Redefining Recruitment to Retention

AAPPR Webinar: Candidate Screening: Ensure Great Outcome (Avoid Litigation)

AAPPR Webinar: Candidate Screening: Ensure Great Outcome (Avoid Litigation)

Screening Doctors and Advanced Practice Providers is a necessary and critical element of the recruitment process, but often it tends to fade into the background as a function completed by someone else behind the scenes. You may even think it doesn’t have much to do with you, other than to provide a few forms to the candidate. However, as a representative of your organization and as the first and most consistent point of contact, you become the “organization” for the provider. As such, you want to make sure the forms you utilize comply with laws governing the process. If someone you recruit becomes a plaintiff, they won’t hesitate to include you among the defendants! Find out more about what forms are required before you begin a screening or background check to ensure that your organization is not liable for violating a candidate’s rights, neglecting to provide appropriate paperwork, or including more than is legally allowed. Candidates who do not move forward in the process are also a consideration. We will cover what forms are needed to start and complete a screening or background check as well as forms needed to terminate a relationship, if a contract is rescinded or not offered. The scope of an aggressive screening or background check can be severely hampered by outdated or incomplete documents, and litigation can be time consuming and costly. What you don’t know about a candidate CAN hurt your organization and your patients. Make sure you are getting all the information available about candidates – legally – so you can make informed decisions!


1.00 CE credit  |  No certificate available
1.00 CE credit  |  No certificate available
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