Redefining Recruitment to Retention

Foundations in Provider Recruitment

Foundations in Provider Recruitment

The Foundations in Provider Recruitment program provides a foundation in recruiting basics.  The course begins with an introduction to the importance of the role that in house recruitment teams play within their organization and best practices for getting (and staying!) organized.  From there we jump into the industry best practices around sourcing, screening, and hiring providers.  Finally, the course explores how recruitment professionals should approach onboarding new providers and, retaining the talented providers they recruit.


Module Breakdown


Welcome to In-House Provider Recruitment

Introduction to In-House Recruitment

            What Makes In-House Recruitment Unique?

            Benefits of In-House Physician Recruitment Programs

Organizational Landscape

            Organizational Missions & Values

Organizational Culture

Understanding Your Values & Brand

Organizational Charts

            Who is Involved with Recruitment?

Employment Landscape

            Employment Qualifications to Work in the United States

            Employment Structure

Common Provider Schedules

Electronic Medical Records

The Market Landscape

            Provider Types

            Pathway to Practice for Physicians

            Foreign Medical Graduates

            Practice Structure


Getting Started

Record Keeping

            Record Keeping Best Practices


            What’s With All The Files and Records?

Become a Recruiting Rockstar

            Get SMART

            How Did You Get Here?

            Using Your Skills to Succeed

            What Will Be Expected

It’s Time to ROAR – Recruit, Onboard, and Retain

            The Continuum and Competency Model


Diving into the Candidate Pool – Sourcing Candidates

Where it Begins

            The Job Requisition

            The Intake Process

            Oh, the Candidate’s You’ll Meet!

Marketing your Opportunity

            Crafting a Compelling Job Posting

            Job Boards, Journals, Referrals…Oh, My!

Sourcing Strategies

            Your Tools for Success

            Tips and Strategies for Success

A Deep Dive into Best Practices

            Job Postings Best Practices

            Email Best Practices

            Tools and Vendors

            Working with Search Firms

            Working with Locum Tenens


Narrowing the Pool – Candidate Screening and Interviews

Dissecting the CV

            What Makes a Good Candidate?

            What to Look for on a Provider CV

Ensuring a Fair Interview Process

            Consistency is Key

            Legal Considerations

The Interview

            The Timeline

            The Initial Phone Screen

            Presenting Candidates

            Virtual Interviews

            Planning the Site Visit

            Preparing for the Interview

            Do’s and Don’ts of Interviewing

After the Interview

            Collecting Feedback

            Following Up


Hiring Success

Selecting the Best Candidate

            Best Practices for Selecting the Candidate

            When a Candidate Isn’t the Right Fit

            References and Background Checks

Extending the Offer

            Offer va. Contract

            Offer Components

Negotiating and Extending the Offer

What if an Offer Has to be Rescinded?

Closing the Deal…and Keeping it Closed

            Determining a Start Date

            Strategies for Continuous Engagement


Onboarding and Retention

What is Onboarding?

            Defining Onboarding

            Is it Onboarding or is it Orientation?

            Benefits of Proper Onboarding

Onboarding Best Practices

            Best Practice Characteristics for Onboarding Programs

            Key Tools for Onboarding

            Onboarding Timeline

            Key Metrics

            Understanding Credentialing


Engagement and Retention

            Beyond New Hires

Retention Programs

            When a Provider Leaves

Key Takeaways

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  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    This module provides background on the importance of in-house recruitment teams and an overview of the landscape of physician and provider recruitment

    In this module, we will:

    Identify the value of in-house provider recruitment services

    • Recognize the mission, brand, and structure of your organization 
    • Explain the scope of practice for different provider types
    • Recognize the common employment structures of a provider position 
  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    In this module, we will examine the skills, resources, and tools that successful recruitment teams utilize.

    By the end of this module, you will be able to:

    • Identify common record-keeping/tracking methods utilized in recruitment, including Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
    • Understand the importance of organizational skills in recruitment and evaluate the effectiveness of your organizational strategies
    • Define common recruitment metrics/Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across all areas of the recruitment continuum
    • Learn how to define SMART goals that align with your organization’s target metrics
    • Recognize how you can utilize your soft skills to achieve goals and improve performance
    • Define the Recruitment Continuum
  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    Sourcing is identifying and/or building a provider prospect pool and creating awareness of and interest in practice opportunities.

    In this module we will:

    • Learn how to gather information for and create a detailed job requisition, allowing you to define your “ideal” candidate
    • Define active versus passive candidates and discover the different tools and resources available that enable you to market opportunities and source for passive candidates
    • Learn how to develop a complete sourcing strategy and how to continuously maintain and build your candidate pipeline
    • Learn how to apply best practices to your marketing and sourcing efforts when using different resources and when working with vendors
    • Learn how to track return on investment (ROI) on resources and why ROI is important.
    • Gain awareness of laws, regulations, and guidelines which all recruiters must be aware of, including EEOC, ADA, and Affirmative Action
  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    This module details best practices in screening and interviewing candidates.

    In this module, we will:

    • Identify how to review a candidate’s CV and conduct a phone screen
    • Gain awareness of laws, regulations, and guidelines which all recruiters must be aware of, including EEOC and ADA compliance
    • Understand who is involved in the interview process
    • Develop an efficient timeline for the interview process
    • Recognize considerations for the site visit
    • Effectively close the loop with a candidate
  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    In the recruitment continuum, the select/offer/hire phase of the process centers around identifying and selecting the best-fit candidate through the extension and closing of an offer.

    In this module, we will:

    • Understand the legal regulations (do’s and don’ts) for background and reference checking.
    • Learn each component of the offer, including salary, benefits, incentives, and malpractice and contract terminology.
    • Understand the legal implications and the process for negotiating, extending, and rescinding an offer.
    • Gain a basic understanding of timelines for licensure, credentialing, and enrollment to determine a start date effectively.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    In this module, we will explore best practices for onboarding new providers to an organization and learn how a strong onboarding program can build a foundation for retention.

    In this session, we will:

    • Define onboarding and explore the differences between onboarding and orientation
    • Learn the components of successful onboarding programs
    • Identify key stakeholders in the onboarding process
    • Understand the timelines and components for credentialing
    • Explore retention strategies and how a solid onboarding program can help increase retention
    • Learn best practices for offboarding providers
  • Contains 2 Component(s)

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